OUTREACH- Presenting programming in the community

OUTREACH - History Talks to Community Groups

We frequently present history programs to local community groups and businesses at their location. There is no charge. Instead, we use the presentations as an opportunity to promote history, share discovered stories of local history, and establish awareness of our mission. Let us know if you are interested in a program for your group.

The most popular history presentation is an overview of Johns Creek history "Before We Arrived" that covers events and people from the time of the Cherokee Nation to the history of the early 1900s. This program can be customized to extend between 25 and 45 minutes.

"Macedonia Cemetery" is a presentation that gives an overview of a small abandoned African-American cemetery and follows the ongoing research and use of documents to discover who is buried on the site and information about the lives they led.

More programs are also available that explore selected topics of local history.
Some examples, all telling the stories of events right here in Johns Creek:

  • Gold! Prospectors, farmers' gold mines, and the gold under our feet today
  • Stories of the Six Historic Ferries and Steel Bridges that once existed in the area that is today's Johns Creek
  • Historic Structures & SItes in our Midst
  • John Rogers and his Cherokee Family living in the Shakerag area in the 1800s

All presentations are fast-paced and include lots of photos, graphics, and maps to help the audience imagine the landscape of the Johns Creek area, its events, and residents during the 1800s to early 1900s.